We made it to Gambell!!!

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Almost there, I can smell the Northwest air already!

Hello!!!  Derek here. Only two more months until Lacy and I come home!...........well really it’s more like two and a half, I’m not counting May at all though.  We get out May 21st.

Lacy has been in Anchorage this week attending a state wide SPED training, Luna is taking it the hardest. I’ll translate some of her whinny meowing, “Meeeeeeeeoooooow, meooooooooooooow”- (Mommy gives me more wet food than you do Daddy, and she plays with me more!) 

Here are two videos of me playing the star spangled banner at the basketball games.

Copy Paste these into your address bar


This one is pretty mellow, my students mom died a couple hours before this video was taken, so I grabbed the acoustic and put out a more somber tone.


You also get to see my newest guitar coming together, It’s a Warmoth Swamp Ash body, Raw Warmoth Pro neck with a Stevie Ray Vaughn neck profile (asymmetrical), Locking tuners, Dimarzio Area model pick-ups, Floyd Rose bridge, and carved all up with the pocket knife, chisel, and planer.  It turned out great; I really got the old weathered barn door look I was going for. And it screams, although I still have to get it intonated, and have the locking nut installed by a Luthier. 

There a couple pictures of me seal hunting. It's more like ice watching, which is amazing. The massive ice chunks crash into each other, tons of force involved.

 Luna wearing her favorite sweater. thanks to Aunt Jena, Aunt Vannessa, and the Two Uncles Chris and Forrest. 

The last picture is of me riding one of the school Honda’s. I’m on a good 8-10 feet of snow right in front of our house, you can see the top of the barbed wire fence behind me. We tear the snow up on the Honda’s, climb up massive snowdrifts, and blast through epic banks of powder. The secret is keeping as much momentum as possible and choosing the right gear. 2nd and 3rd gear do the most damage, 1st gets you stuck, and 4th bogs down but is great on the long straights.

My reading class was reading a book called Cupcakes, so we made cupcakes during class. They turned out great.


  1. Hey you guys!!! Just checking in with you. Glad you are coming home soon!!!! Only two months to go. Derek, your guitar is AMAZING. Wow! Can't wait to hear it.

    See you guys soon.

