We made it to Gambell!!!

Monday, September 19, 2011

Cross Country

Hey, It's Derek!  My Cross Country team just had their first meet. We flew to Koyuk Alaska and ran great. The course was super challenging, massive hills, pot-holed gravel roads, and a long beach stretch. The High School girls team placed 1st, and the High School boys got 2nd!
I took this from the plane, It's Lacy on the Honda, watching us fly away. She's a great driver.

My Team!

Downtown Koyuk looking south
Downtown Koyuk looking North

Girls start

Boys start

Driving the course

They loved riding in back of the truck, probably their first time

Mini log-cabin

Just above the clouds
Looking aft

Some random Rhino

A TREE!!!!!


  1. Click on the pictures, they get way larger!

  2. Lacy on a quad??? That's awesome!!!!!! And that's awesome how well all you did Derek, I'm happy for your team!!!

  3. Great job Derek! I hope your team really appreciates how cool you are :) By the way, Vanessa and I are fairly certain you two took one of our couch pillows with you to Alaska...since there is a posted picture of Derek laying on it.

  4. Jena - we were wondering where we got that awesome pillow. It just showed up in Alaska! Weird. Derek loves it though, he'll bring it back in May.

